growth — /grohth/, n. 1. the act or process, or a manner of growing; development; gradual increase. 2. size or stage of development: It hasn t yet reached its full growth. 3. completed development. 4. development from a simpler to a more complex stage:… … Universalium
log phase — lȯg , läg n the period of growth of a population of cells (as of a microorganism) in a culture medium during which numbers increase exponentially and which is represented by a part of the growth curve that is a straight line segment if the… … Medical dictionary
Bacterial growth — Growth is shown as L = log(numbers) where numbers is the number of colony forming units per ml, versus T (time.) Bacterial growth is the division of one bacterium into two daughter cells in a process called binary fission. Providing no mutational … Wikipedia
Log cell kill — Mit dem englischen Begriff Log cell kill, oft auch Fractional cell kill beziehungsweise Fractional kill genannt, wird eine Hypothese in der Onkologie bezeichnet. Es gibt derzeit keine adäquate deutschsprachige Bezeichnung für die Hypothese, die… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Logarithmic growth — In mathematics, logarithmic growth describes a phenomenon that whose size or cost can be described as a logarithm function of some input. e.g. y = C log ( x ). Note that any logarithm base can be used, since one can be converted to another by a… … Wikipedia
logarithmic phase — log·a·rith·mic phase .läg ə rith mik , .lȯg n LOG PHASE * * * the stage in the growth of a bacterial culture when a plot of the logarithm of the number of cells against time gives a straight upward line. Called also exponential p … Medical dictionary
фаза логарифмического роста — Фаза в развитии культуры клеток, характеризующаяся увеличением клеток в геометрической прогрессии [ Eng Rus.pdf] Тематики биотехнологии EN log growth phase … Справочник технического переводчика
Fungiculture — is the process of producing food, medicine, and other products by the cultivation of mushrooms and other fungi. The word is also commonly used to refer to the practice of cultivating fungi by leafcutter ants, termites, ambrosia beetles, and marsh … Wikipedia
Bakterielles Wachstum — Als Bakterielles Wachstum bezeichnet man die Vermehrung von Bakterienzellen durch Zellteilung, also die Zunahme der Bakterienanzahl, das Wachstum der Bakterienpopulation. Die Geschwindigkeit des Wachstums ist abhängig von der Anzahl der Teilungen … Deutsch Wikipedia
Ohio — Ohioan, adj., n. /oh huy oh/, n. 1. a state in the NE central United States: a part of the Midwest. 10,797,419; 41,222 sq. mi. (106,765 sq. km). Cap.: Columbus. Abbr.: OH (for use with zip code), O. 2. a river formed by the confluence of the… … Universalium
bacteria — bacterial, adj. bacterially, adv. /bak tear ee euh/,, sing. bacterium / tear ee euhm/. ubiquitous one celled organisms, spherical, spiral, or rod shaped and appearing singly or in chains, comprising the Schizomycota, a phylum of the kingdom … Universalium